Scammers pretending to be Taylor Root employees on WhatsApp – Netherlands
It has recently come to our attention that there have been attempted scams in Netherlands by people pretending to be Taylor Root consultants on WhatsApp. We therefore want to urge people to be aware of potential fraud in the recruitment process and to be vigilant.
The people contacting you with these spam messages do not work for Taylor Root and have not obtained your information from Taylor Root. Our data security has not been compromised.
If you receive a message via WhatsApp from someone you do not recognise, claiming to work for Taylor Root, please check this is one of our consultants.
We advertise our roles on our website, LinkedIn and external job boards, we do not send speculative WhatsApp messages (see the example of a scam message below).
We do sometimes communicate with candidates and clients using WhatsApp about specific opportunities and we may contact you from a mobile number (including via WhatsApp), but it will always be a Netherlands number.
Pleased do not click on any links in any WhatsApp message – we will never include a link in our messages to you.
We will never ask you for financial details or ask you to make any payment via a WhatsApp message. We will never ask a candidate for a fee to provide services to you.
If you are unsure if a message you have received is a genuine message from Taylor Root, please contact us on +31 20 888 6211.
Please note that under no circumstances shall Taylor Root be held liable for any claims, damages, or losses resulting from or in any way connected to the actions of the scammers mentioned above.