Patent and trademark attorneys
Our dedicated team of patent and trademark attorney recruitment consultants help businesses across multiple sectors to find the specialists they need to protect their intellectual property.
Explore Patent and trademark attorney recruitment
Patent and trademark attorney recruitment specialists
We have a dedicated recruitment team focusing solely on hiring trusted patent and trademark attorneys.
As this market has evolved in recent years, we have evolved our offering too. We support businesses in consumer, retail, technology, pharmaceuticals, biotech and more, connecting our clients with exceptional candidates – and shaping the markets in which we recruit.
We form long-lasting partnerships with our clients and candidates – taking the time to understand your needs and using that knowledge to match you with the ideal candidate.
By choosing to work with us, you will benefit from:
Genuine global reach
Through 13 global offices we have completed projects in more than 55 locations. Through our extensive network we can consistently deliver in your search for talent
An unrivalled track record
We are a recruitment partner you can trust
Market longevity
We pioneered the first recruitment consultancies in numerous global locations. We offer local market knowledge at a global scale
Focused expertise
We are a legal specialist search and recruitment consultancy, dedicated to the legal profession. We speak your language and understand your markets
Tailored services
We tailor our services to suit your needs and goals. Typically, they include contingent and retained search, permanent, temporary and interim recruitment as well as consultancy solutions