Private practice newly qualified guide | UK

Private practice NQ Guide 2025_front_cover

Private practice newly qualified guide

At Taylor Root, we believe that what you decide to do upon graduation is the single most important career decision you will ever make – and we’ve created our Private practice newly qualified guide with you in mind.

We are a market-leading recruiter of newly qualified Lawyers, helping law firms and businesses in every sector of every size to find bright new talent. We have a proven track record of helping newly qualified lawyers (NQs) find roles upon qualification and providing consultative advice during the recruitment process. Our goal is to build a long-term relationship and provide guidance and market insight throughout your career.

Download our guide and explore:

  • Our top tips for your search
  • Internal and external recruitment timelines
  • How to structure your CV, including a CV template
  • The London, Birmingham and Irish legal recruitment markets
  • Salary information

Are you considering a move in-house? Our Taylor Root in-house legal experts have produced a guide that provides insights into benefits and challenges of an in-house role. Available to download.