Australia | Law firms salary and benefits report 2022

The past financial year marked another extraordinary one for the legal industry with hiring across the market growing at levels unseen for a decade. Law firms of all sizes faced multiple pressure points. It was the perfect storm that exacerbated the war for talent that we are so often reading and hearing about. In response, law firms increased salaries significantly, with some lawyers reporting increases of 20% over the past 12 months.
Hayden Gordine, Head of Taylor Root Australia commented that as law firms and corporates emerged from the worst of the pandemic, demand for legal services continued to grow resulting in law firms aggressively hiring associates.
The information contained in our salary and benefits report relates to the salaries and benefits of thousands of lawyers across Australia and the data is collected from offers we have secured for candidates.
Areas covered in this year’s report include:
• Overview of the Australian Legal Market
• Australian Lawyers’ salaries at Top-Tier, Mid-Tier, and International Firms
• International Market Lawyer’s Salaries
We invite you to download the complete report by filling in the form below, or for an in-depth discussion on any of the material in the report please contact one of our Taylor Root consultants today.